A Discourse-Grounded Approach to Improving Student Writing

1. Introduction: Composition theory, linguistics, and improving student writing. 2. Review of approaches in composition studies. 2.1 The cognitivist approach. 2.2 The expressionist approach. 2.3 The social-epistemic approach. 2.4 Multiculturalism, the contact zone, and Bakhtin’s heterogeneity of voices 2.5 The context of written discourse: The rhetorical situation. 1. Exigence: The occasion and motivation for speaking/writing…

OASIS: Structure/ Overall Organization

OASIS: Structure/ Overall Organization

Structure/ Overall Organization of the content in your paper  Is your paper organized to communicate your topic most effectively? You should aim to have high quality structure/ overall organization: your paper must be organized according to the purposes you have for writing. Structure/ overall organization means arranging the ideas and topics in your paper in…

OASIS: Information Units

OASIS: Information Units

Information Units: Core, descriptive, and interpretive elements How much information are you giving your audience in your paper? What kind of “information units” are you using? Skillful writers use and arrange three kinds of information units in certain ways. The three different kinds of information units are: 1a) Core (narrative) Eventives [CoEV]: indicate actions that…